2 x 500
Liesbeth Van Heuverswijn & Eva Vermeiren
Book launch + exhibition

22.02-09.03.2025, CONVENT Ghent

The exhibition ‘2 x 500’ of Liesbeth Van Heuverswijn and Eva Vermeiren is organized on the occasion of the eponymous publication, published by INFINITIF. In this publication, 500 collages by Eva Vermeiren are brought into dialogue with 500 drawings by Liesbeth Van Heuverswijn, created within an agreed format during the spring and summer of 2024.

Opening exhibition and book launch: Saturday 22.02.2025, 2-8 p.m., with a musical performance by Anouk Neyens at 3 p.m. and 6 p.m.

Opening hours exhibition: every Saturday and Sunday, from 2-6 p.m., or by appointment.

The publication ‘2 x 500’ and the accompanying exhibition are supported by Flanders State of the Art and Sabam for Culture.

More info link

Paris launch ZILCH

13.12.2024, After Eight Paris

Please join us at After 8 Books for the Paris launch of Maxime Le Bon's artist book ZILCH. We start at 19:00, welcome!

Friday 13 special = 2 launches in 1 night! The Paris Launch of ZILCH will be combined with the launch of the John is Sick Fanzine Project, organised by Victor Boullet and Kristoffer C. Karlsen for Borgenheim Rosenhoff, Oslo.

More info link


Koba De Meutter
Publication presentation + exhibition

06-29.12.2024, Kunsthal Ghent

Soms lijkt het als­of we met z’n tie­nen wan­de­len, we zijn eraan gewend. Zwij­gend bel­len we ergens aan en wor­den bin­nen­ge­la­ten. Daar­bin­nen lopen we met z’n allen naar de tafel en krij­gen een glas water. We kij­ken rond, wach­ten tot de vrouw die ons bin­nen­liet haar jas aan­trekt, de gang inwan­delt en de deur ach­ter zich dicht trekt.

The inte­ri­or of Koba De Meut­ter’s home con­sists of sculp­tu­res. Sur­roun­ded by this gro­wing col­lec­ti­on of particular fur­ni­tu­re, Koba has spent the last few years dra­wing fic­ti­o­nal people. These peo­p­le now inhabit a book, publis­hed by INFINITIF.

You're invited to the book presentation on December 6th at the Old House in Kunsthal Ghent. Doors open at 19:30, and at 20:00, the book will be intro­du­ced by INFI­NI­TIF, Koba De Meut­ter and guests.

The accompanying exhibition is open every weekend from December 7 to December 29, 2024, from 11:00 to 18:00.

The artist book 2018-2023 and the accompanying exhibition are generously supported by Flanders State of the Art.

More info link

© Koba De Meutter, living Arena

Grafixx festival 2024

21-24.11.2024, De Studio, Maarschalk Gérardstraat 4, Antwerpen

A selection of INFINITIF publications will be traveling to the annual Grafixx festival at De Studio in Antwerp this weekend. This festival brings together a carefully curated selection of artists from around the world who will inspire with talks, exhibitions, workshops, live performances, screenings, and a unique zine fest where independent creators and publishers present their publications.

 More info  link

Signapore Art Book Fair 2024

25-27.10.2024, Singapore Art Museum, Singapore

We will participate in 10th edtition of The Singapore Art Book Fair. This annual multi-day event celebrates contemporary art books and zines. Founded in 2013, it is the first of its kind in Southeast Asia and has now established itself as one of the leading art book fairs in Asia. Each edition showcases the innovative approaches of exhibitors from Singapore and around the world, including artists, designers, distributors, small presses, institutions, galleries, zinemakers, and printmakers. SGABF is committed to deepening the understanding of art books in Singapore, and encouraging the exploration of this diverse medium as a crucial, if not central aspect of art practices.

Our participation in Signapore Art Book Fair 2024 is generously supported by Flanders State of the Art.

More info link

Antwerp Academy Art Book Fair 2024

12.10.2024, Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp

The Antwerp Academy Art Book Fair is one of the biggest art book fairs in the Benelux region, hosted for the tenth year in a row by the Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp. IFINITIF is one of the contemporary publishers in 'PRESENT', the section that will be representing the current state of artistic printing at the fair.

More info link

WIELS Art Book Fair 2024

5-6.10.2024, WIELS, Brussels

Over the weekend of 5 & 6 October 2024, WIELS welcomes independent art publishers to present their work. Free and open to the public, this annual event allows book lovers, collectors, artists and art professionals to discover a wide variety of printed productions, from zines and artist books to art catalogues and artist editions.

More info link

Elke dag is een tentoonstelling

14.09.2024 - 13.10.2024, KIOSK Ghent

From the start of July, Pieter De Clercq inhabited KIOSK as its very first artist in residence. While KIOSK remained closed to the public during the summer, De Clercq moved existing sculptures from his regular studio and tirelessly added new works over the course of two months. The presentation Elke dag is een tentoonstelling (Every Day is an Exhibition) sheds new light on an artistic practice in which transformation and playfulness occupy a central role. The residency and the exhibition results from the launch of Pieter De Clercq’s second eponymous artist book, Elke dag is een tentoonstelling, published by INFINITIF.

Opening and Book Launch: Saturday 14.09.2024, 16:00-20:00
Presentation: 14.09.2024 - 13.10.2024, mon - sun, 12:00 - 18:00
Location: KIOSK, Louis Pasteurlaan 2, 9000 Ghent
More info: https://kiosk.art/

Would you like to support this publication? Visit the crowdfunding page to reserve a copy, order a special edition, or make a free contribution. link

The artist book Elke dag is een tentoonstelling and the accompanying exhibition are generously supported by Flanders State of the Art.

À Reclasser

16-19.05.2024, Keizersbastion, Antwerp Art Weekend

Des monuments, des moyens de transport, des magasins, des œuvres d'art, des industries, des richesses de la terre, des merveilles de la nature, des montagnes, des fleurs, des déserts, des paysages, des animaux, les 5 parties du monde, des planètes...

Group exhibition featuring works by Lulu Cuyvers, Mark Požlep, Leander Shönweger, Liesbeth Henderickx, Tim Bruggeman & Jelle Martens.

Opening: Thursday 16.05.2024, 12:00-21:00
Presentation: 17.05-19.05.2024, 12:00-18:00
Book Launch À Reclasser: Saturday 18.05.2024, at 16:00, featuring a solo performance by Hanne De Backer
Location: Keizersbastion. Parking Nationale Bank -3. Pedestrians via parking building at the corner of Maria-Henriettalei 1 and Frankrijklei.
More info: www.antwerpartweekend.be/locations/infinitif

Organized in collaboration with Werkplaats Walter, Museum of the Resistance Anderlecht, Dienst Archeologie Antwerpen and InterLinie.

Ghent Art Book Fair

11-12.05.2024, 11:00-18:00, Kunsthal Ghent

During the weekend of the 11th and the 12th of May, we take part in the Ghent Art Book Fair organised by 019 and Kunsthal Ghent. The fair will be opened from 11 o’clock until 18 o’clock on both days. There will be a side program that includes booklaunches, presentations, talks and more. Hope to see you there!

Location: Lange Steenstraat 14, 9000 Ghent
More info: www.kunsthal.gent/agenda/ghent-art-book-fair-3

BYOB Fair 2024

10.05.2024, 11:00-20:00, Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam

Save the date and join us for the fourth edition of the bring your own book fair. For the full list of participants and the public programme please go to: byobfair.xyz

Opening: Friday 10.05.2024, 18:00-21:00
Location: Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Fred. Roeskestraat 96, Amsterdam

ZILCH - Book release Maxime Le Bon

08.05.2024, 18:00-21:00, AFFILIATE, Brussels

Former WIELS resident Maxime Le Bon presents a new body of work in AFFILIATE, a new space in the city centre to present works by alumni of the WIELS Residency Programme. During the opening Maxime Le Bon will present his new book ZILCH published by INFINITIF.

Opening: Wednesday 08.05.2024, 18:00-21:00
Presentation: 09.05-26.05.2024, 14:00-18:00 (Open Thursday > Saturday)
Location: AFFILIATE, rue du Jardin des Olives 3 Olivetenhof, 1000 Brussels
More info: www.wiels.org/nl/events/maxime-le-bon-zilch

The artist book "ZILCH" and the accompanying exhibition are generously supported by Flanders State of the Art and The Flemish Community Commission (VGC)

ART Masereel – Print Art Fair

23.03.2024, 13:00-18:00, Frans Masereel Centrum, Kasterlee

More than 15 talented alumni were selected for our successful print art fair ART Masereel.
Discover and purchase the work of these artists: Ash Kilmartin, Axelle Lenaerts, Caroline Sebilleau, Colette Cleeren, Daniela Deeg & Cynthia Lollis, Guus van der Velden, Hannah Mevis, Jelle Martens & Tim Bruggeman, Jivan van der Ende, Maartje Fliervoet, Malgorzata Maria Olchowska, Maria Kley, Myrthe van der Mark, Paddy McCann, Paul Bailey & Bryony Quinn, Roel Goussey, Yannick Ganseman.

Open Books

11.02.2024, 16:00-19:00, The Green Corridor, Brussels

For the occasion, Sébastien interacted with Lore Smolders and Tim Bruggeman in a roundtable discussion on INFINITIF’s recently published artist’s books ‘Fragments’, ‘Touch Response’ and ‘Narcissus. Looking into an (artificial) well of fountain’.

Fragments is an artist’s publication, a metacomic book, a postcomics production and a citational montage novella at once. Compiled throughout the long covid-19 lockdowns of 2020 and 2021, and juxtaposing samples and interpretations from canonical comics and graphic novels as well as texts by Blanchot, Deleuze, Pinter or Walser, Fragments delivers the scrappy story of (mental) illness, seclusion, and escape. Notwithstanding its subtitled aim to 'end with comics', of which it features many traces, this booklet is intentionally left to be read in different, personal ways.

VROOM Print Market

03.12.2023 - VROOM, Brussels

Welcome to the second edition of the VROOM print market!
Books, prints, zines, cards etc by local makers
Bar with hot drinks and sweet treats.

on and on and on and on

Chantal van Rijt, Maxim Le Bon, Tim Bruggeman, Jelle Martens

06.09–17.09.2023, Cas-co, Leuven

… vroeg of laat neemt het zichzelf onder de loep, buigt het zich over zichzelf en bijt het zichzelf in de staart.

The exhibition is the result of a residency in the Off The Grid Space at Cas-Co, Leuven. In the preceding months, the artists visited each other’s studio’s and shared lines of thoughts and methods of working. Accumulation, doubling and degradation is a common thread within each practice, which guided the set-up of the exhibition. Can we perceive the exhibition as handling a publication? Reading the space and working with its rhythm, structure, lay-out, sequence and surface. Bringing things in order, on and on and on and on.

Opening: Wed. September 6, 6 — 10 pm
Per­for­man­ce by Jelle Martens: Wed. September 6, 8 pm
Exhibition: September 8 — 17, Fri., Sat. & Sun., 2 — 6 pm
Finissage: Sun. September 17th, 2 — 6 pm. There will be a lecture by Chantal van Rijt and Adriaan Van Leuven about the artist book 'Analemma' at 3 pm, followed by a sound performance by Jelle Martens at 4 pm.

Exhibition text by Celine De Geest

of, ook, but not quite

Jelle Martens & Veva Leye

14.04–21.05.2023, CONVENT, Ghent

Repetition, duplication, unfolding, mirroring, de-duplication, inversion, but not quite. Infinite indeterminate modified reconsidered resonating. Translate, distort, lose, repeat.

The endless possibilities of image and text reproductions, operations and replications define the work of visual artist Jelle Martens and writer Veva Leye. Operating in the connecting area between original, idea, play, process, copy, multiplicity and archive, the visual practices of both artists interact within the space and context of Convent.

Jelle Martens' work focuses on the ambiguity of meanings that both secure and sever the connection between perceptions, actions and affects. Through installations, drawings and publications, Martens manipulates specific contexts that so often regulate our looking-at and thinking-about.

The work of Veva Leye unfolds in the eclipse and tension between an overly intimate grasp of language, reckless play and critique. HAP AX LE GO ME NON (2018, het balanseer) brings together a series of pieces departing from a poetics of materiality, montage, grafting, association.

Organized by CONVENT and INFINITIF. With the support of department of culture city of Ghent.

Touch Response

Lore Smolders

22.03.2023, NICC, Brussels

Lore Smolders presents her book Touch Response, published by Infinitif. This artist publication contains a series of fragile pencil drawings she made during a period when fatigue, pain and other suffering took over. In an included interview with a therapist, they discuss vulnerability, the lack of language, how to (not) interpret images and how images can be reparative. The book will be presented in a scenography, a space that transforms into a repair kit with objects, carriers, displays and side effects. As a visitor, you are invited to become a spectator of a therapeutic setup.

The work of Lore Smolders (b. 1987) plays with notions of readability, the anecdotic, the desire to understand and to be understood. She observes themes such as instructions, archaeology, fortune telling, the prison system, psychology and social choreographies. In her artistic practice, she seeks to expose and deconstruct invisible systems in the tension field between language and drawing, book and installation. Lore developed her practice through residencies at ZK/U Berlin, AIR 3331 Tokyo, Frans Masereel center.... and through projects at Les Brasseurs, Loods 12, croxhapox, Voorkamer, Vooruit ... She lives and works in Brussels, is a member of the book club Other Women's Flowers and teaches at LUCA School of Arts in Ghent.

Organized by NICC, Lore Smolders and INFINITIF. With the support of Luca Breakout, Sabam for Culture and the Flemish government.

WIELS Art Book Fair 2022

17–18.09.2022, Wiels, Brussel

In het weekend van 17 en 18 september verwelkomt WIELS onafhankelijke kunstuitgevers om hun werk te presenteren. Dit jaarlijkse evenement is gratis en laat boekenliefhebbers, verzamelaars, kunstenaars en kunstprofessionals een breed scala aan drukwerk ontdekken; van zines en kunstenaarsboeken tot kunstcatalogi en kunstenaarsedities.

Een aanvullend programma van lezingen, signeersessies, lezingen en performances maakt van dit weekend tot een uniek moment in het teken van het publiceren van kunstboeken.

50 fotografen presenteren hun fotoboek in Arles

07.07.2022, MRO Foundation, Arles (FR)

Elke zomer wordt Arles even het mekka van de fotografie tijdens Les Rencontres d’Arles, een van de belangrijkste fotografiefestivals ter wereld. Net als de voorbije jaren trekken fotografen uit Vlaanderen, Brussel en Wallonië naar de Franse stad. Ze ontmoeten er niet alleen elkaar, maar ook een schare internationale fotografieprofessionals. Dit jaar willen de initiatiefnemers tijdens deze ontmoeting een vijftigtal edities of zelfpublicaties centraal stellen die tussen 2019 en 2022 gepubliceerd werden en die draaien rond het werk van een of meerdere in België verblijvende kunstenaars/fotografen.

Pas de deux

Sébastien Conard & Jelle Martens

30.06.2022, Paard van troje, Gent

Op donderdag 30 juni 2022 presenteert boekhandel Paard Van Troje de kunstenaarspublicatie ‘Pas de deux’, een samenwerking van Sébastien Conard en Jelle Martens. ‘Pas de deux’ vormt een visueel dialoog tussen de kleurrijke, uitdeinende constellaties van Conard en de compacte, punctuele composities van Martens. Deze wervelende beeldendans wordt onderbroken door een verruimend, experimenteel gedicht van Jan Op de Beeck en gevolgd door een duidend, kunstbeschouwend essay van Tom Lambeens, waarvan volgend fragment:‘
Situeren deze driehoeken zich wel aan de Nijl? Rommelt er tussen hun hoeken geen vulkanische onwennigheid? De onverschilligheid waarmee dergelijke, zelden vlekkeloze erupties en uitbarstingen gepaard gaan, kenmerkt de ontstaansgeschiedenis van sterrennevels, de kosmos, ons bestaan. Wat daarbij overeind blijft, ongeacht overeenkomst en verschil, is de onderlinge verhouding tussen de prenten aan beide zijdes van de spread. Links is de pagina aflopend, uitdijend, schier oneindig; de ingetogen aard van het rechterbeeld daarentegen wordt geaccentueerd door de afgeronde hoeken. Deze kunstgreep, verwant aan het beeldverhaal, blaast beide ruimtes hun gestalte in.’ – Tom Lambeens

Ook kan men een aantal originelen bekijken in het Paard van Troje, alvorens men zich tussen de talloze boeken verliest.

Beelden: Sébastien Conard, Jelle Martens
Tekst: Jan Op de Beeck, Tom Lambeens

Nooit opgevoerd toneel

Hans Mortelmans

28.06.2022, Manteca, Gent

Iets verder aan het einde van de scène, ergens in een hoek, op een scheidingslijn die we vieren maar niet aanwijzen,
tussen het publiek en de acteurs, bijna klaar om van het podium te vallen staat…
een paraplubak!
Het is een prachtige paraplubak.

Hans selecteerde negen fragmenten uit Nooit opgevoerd toneel. Ze tonen de gedachten en geven de verbeelding vorm van een toeschouwer die kijkt naar en nadenkt over toneel in zijn vele verschijningsvormen. Repetities, toneel in een café, toneel op de straat, toneel als in een droom.

Nooit opgevoerd toneel werd oorspronkelijk getoond als een voorstelling die bestond uit een reeks dia’s, met een projectiescherm als de hoofdrolspeler. Het scherm werd onthuld achter een rood doek, stond op een houten podium en via het scherm sprak de acteur naar het publiek.

Van deze voorstelling verschijnt binnenkort een boek dat dezelfde titel draagt, Nooit opgevoerd toneel met tekeningen van Jelle Martens in een uitgave van infinitif. Een aantal fragmenten zullen door mezelf worden voorgelezen in café Manteca in Gent.

Tekst: Hans Mortelmans
Tekeningen en ontwerp: Jelle Martens
Uitgave: infinitif 2022
Met dank aan: Tibaldus, Timeau De Keyser en Simon De Winne

BLIND DATES + boekpresentatie Tim Bruggeman

06.10.2021, Zwarte Zaal KASK, Gent

Onderzoekers van B-magic ontmoeten kunstenaars uit de s u r p l a c e tentoonstelling tijdens BLIND DATES in KASKcinema op 6 oktober (vanaf 16u). Daarna welkom in de foyer voor de boekvoorstelling van "De harde naakte werkelijkheid", Tim Bruggemans verwerking van het dia-archief van spoedarts Dr. Beaucourt.

Apples & Oranges

02.10.2021, C-Mine, Genk

Apples & Oranges brings together artists engaging in experimental publishing and, through their work, probing the extremities of this term. Combining a curated fair section with a lively public programme of performances, interventions and talks, the event presents a variety of material, digital and performative approaches to artists’ publications. By reaching across disciplinary boundaries and engaging with practices, formats, and genres on the fringe —self-publishing, collective writing and reading, fan-fiction, zines, book-objects…—it creates a platform for debate on what publishing as an artistic practice may mean today. The title, Apples & Oranges, alludes to Clive Phillpot’s notorious fruit salad diagram — comparative in nature and yet open to necessary nuance. In that diagram, apples and pears yield lemons, illustrating an impossible attempt at categorising the plethora of forms resulting from the marriage of ‘art’ and ‘books’. One of the most interesting things about artists’ publications, and self-publishing in particular, is that it is often an engine for collaboration and leads to the development of intricate systems of networks and ‘scenes’. Apples & Oranges features a sample of these networks and, at the same time, encourages new connections to emerge.

Apples and Oranges is a collaboration between CIAP & FLACC, Genk; KRIEG, PXL Mad, Zero Desk, Hasselt; B32, Maastricht; C-mine, Genk. With kind support of the Flemish Community, the city of Genk and CIAP members.

De ontmanteling

22.08.2021, De Koer, Gent

Met de verdwijnende stenen in het vooruitzicht tekent Renée Pevernagie een ruimtelijke stand van zaken. Op welgekozen tijdstippen werkt ze ter plekke aan een reeks houtskooltekeningen. Samen met een tekstuele bijdrage van Diede Roosens wordt alles gebundeld in de publicatie De Ontmanteling. Blader doorheen een vervlogen stukje Koer.

INFINITIF + Confluences

20.04.2021, Werkplaats Walter, Brussels

Van harte welkom op het eerste toonmoment van infinitif. Blader doorheen een verzameling publicaties gemaakt door Jelena Vanoverbeek, Jelle Martens, Imprimitiv, Pieter De Clercq, Sébastien Conard en Tim Bruggeman.

Things, tricks, truths, toys, tales, traps, trends

06-07.02.2021, BLANCO, Ghent

He wears a mask - he pretends to be an idling, strolling observer of others: an amused spectator. He watches people on the street, in shops, in cafes: wherever he finds them he notes their peculiarities and imagines their lives. Like a naturalist with a bone of an unknown creature, he extrapolates and forms an entire animal in his mind's eye. It is his joy; it is his defence: he revels in life, so as to ignore dath. For its shadow lies over him.

Group exhibition with works from Renée Pevernagie, Bart Spitaels, Lore Smolders, Jelle Martens, Tim Bruggeman, Jelena Vanoverbeek, Dominiek Colpaert and Pieter De Clercq.